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Frequently Asked Questions

How will the UKHSA PT schemes benefit my laboratory?

One of the key benefits is that the scheme gives you confidence that your laboratory is performing its routine microbiology examinations correctly. Participation provides an unbiased external assessment of your laboratory’s performance which can be used to reassure clients and help demonstrate competence to accreditation assessors. The UKHSA PT samples contain a realistic range of micro-organisms and are designed to challenge your routine methods; however, this is only effective if tested regularly and in accordance with your routine procedures. Our team is able to work with you to help improve procedures and ensure good results.

Are UKHSA PT samples very difficult?

The samples are designed to provide a realistic challenge to routine examinations; laboratories with an effective quality system in place are unlikely to experience any difficulties with the samples. Experience has shown that correct results can increase staff confidence; laboratories often find that participation is motivational and as well as educational.

Why are the samples not real foods or waters?

Every PT sample batch must be stable throughout the transit and testing periods and must be sufficiently homogenous. All participants have to receive similar sample material if valid comparisons of performance are to be undertaken. It is difficult to achieve an acceptable level of stability and homogeneity with real food and water samples; expensive and demanding transit conditions will usually be required. Some scheme providers organise local or national ring trials using real products but large international schemes, like the UKHSA, normally use simulated samples containing preserved micro-organisms.

How will I receive my PT samples?

Samples for participants in the United Kingdom are usually sent by post.  Samples for other countries are dispatched by courier; and often sent via a forwarding laboratory. Normally you should receive samples within two to five days of dispatch. All samples are sent as diagnostic specimens (UN 3373) in packaging compliant with international regulations.

How do I store my PT samples?

You are advised to store freeze-dried samples in the refrigerator on receipt, but LENTICULE discs are more sensitive to ambient temperatures and must be stored at -20˚C.

How do I handle my PT samples?

Every distribution of PT samples has instructions for handling and sample preparation which are available electronically. Once the sample preparation stage is complete it is essential that you undertake all subsequent tests in accordance with routine procedures, including using the same staff. The use of routine procedures is essential to provide a realistic assessment of performance.

How soon will I know whether my results are correct?

The intended results are posted on our website immediately after the deadline date for return of results, participants are notified by email when these are available.

How are my results assessed?

That depends on the scheme and the test required, the number of participants and the type of tests required. We always use robust statistical techniques and we allocate scores for most of our schemes. The UKHSA scores acknowledge the microbiological significance of your results. Z-scores are also provided for some of the schemes.

What is the format for the distribution reports?

The reports are very easy to follow. The pages at the front provide the sample details, the expected results, your own results and our microbiological comments for the samples. We may include photographs to illustrate some of the microbiological results. Results charts are included and examples may be printed from the web-site.

What additional technical support is provided?

You can contact UKHSA PT microbiologists if you require additional advice. Their contact details are provided in each of the report. They will provide confidential advice and guidance and may refer your query to one of our specialist scheme consultants, depending on the nature of your query. UKHSA employs experts in many fields of microbiology; we can call upon their expertise to help you.

One of the key reasons that participants select UKHSA PT schemes is the technical support behind the schemes.

My client says I must get all my PT results correct or I could lose their contract. How can you help with this?

It is very important to have a dialogue with your clients to ensure that they understand the purposes of PT. If you report incorrect results for your clients’ samples it may affect people’s health, impact on their reputation and have expensive consequences. Therefore, you must use PT to challenge your routine processes as robustly as possible. If clients pressurise laboratories in this way you may be tempted to pay special attention to PT samples rather than use the routine procedures. You might also look for the least challenging PT scheme you can find. This may mean that weaknesses in your system remain undetected. However, you can advise your clients that this approach is flawed and our senior microbiologists will be happy to discuss this with them, if this helps.

Are my PT results really confidential?

Yes. The UKHSA Organiser will not divulge any information about your performance to anyone else. If your clients or accreditation assessors want to see your PT results then they should contact you directly, not UK HSA.