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The Mission for FEPTU is:

For the human population to survive, food and water are essential components. Food needs to be safe to consume, waters safe to drink and environmental and recreational waters safe to use so we do not fall ill. Microbiological testing of these commodities is a small part of the food and water chain, it is therefore important for laboratories to report accurate results to safeguard the public. So, our aim is to provide our food, water and environmental microbiology laboratories with reliable and relevant proficiency testing schemes based on current and future user requirements. The schemes will educate and raise awareness of the importance of providing accurate microbiology test results, thereby giving confidence to all that examination of samples is done to exemplary standards.

The Mission for FEPTU is:

Continue delivering our expertise in assisting microbiology laboratories world-wide in maintaining standards of excellence, in food, water and environmental testing through proficiency testing.

Providing an independent laboratory testing performance assessment that raises awareness of:

  • the importance of producing accurate laboratory results
  • how PT/EQA is as a useful tool and how to gain the maximum benefits
  • the impact of incorrect laboratory results on public health

This is underpinned by professional, scientific and technical expertise drawing on the resources of UKHSA and raising the profile of the organisation nationally and internationally.

The image beside summaries our mission and vision.

Lab worked putting samples into test tubes using pipette